Reporting Live From The Studio

Sometimes has a blogger, planning blog posts are required to make sure that the blog doesn’t look like I’m neglecting it, or yall. My plan is to have two blog posts out each month. I didn’t get to the second one last month, and I don’t want that this time around. Remember when I said I was going to show up because yall do? Heyyyy, I’m here. I may not have anything to say fr but I’m here…just like in Mic Check. Think of this post has an update from there.

How was January for you?

Like I said on the IG post, I did everything I said I was. I proud of myself and I can’t wait to see results in the coming months. This month, I’m back on my moodys moves; which means more concerts and events. This also means I need to figure out where I’m shopping for some new clothes. I need, better yet I deserve it. I won’t tell you who I’m going to see yet, but just know it’s artists that I haven’t seen yet but have been wanting to. It’s only right that I come correct and serve at each show…per usual. I want the fits to match the vibe of the artists..and the venue because if i’m not comfortable in the clothes why am I even in them? Exactly!! I think I’ll take yall shopping with me so you can see the whole process instead of the end result.

If you’re following us on IG you will also know that you get to see me in my end result with Get Undressed With Moody. In each episode, I talk about my night and the outfit of course. Currently we’re on season 2 epsiode 2. I think you should go check it out (and show some love..maybe give a comment too). When the summer gets here it will only get better. Season 1 proved that. I won’t just go to concerts and brunch, I’ll be at other events in the area as well. Maybe even cross state lines like I did last month. I want to travel more, so if that means that concerts and events will be my way to find the more outside of Maryland, than I will!

2024 keep up the energy stink. I love it here, and I know if we on the same track from last month, BLACK HISTORY MONTH IS GOING TO MAKE SOME HISTORY FOR ME!!!! If you have any suggestions on what you want to read on SOACG, don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

See you in the next one

Xoxo, Jonice 💋

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