The Cultured Savage 

Over the weekend I had the honor of attending one of theee most amazing festivals in a while. Broccoli City Fest was everything I needed and more. While I was there of course a few vendors caught my eye. This one in particular had something I couldn’t leave without buying it.

The Cultured Savage Clothing hands down has some of my favorite graphic tshirts and sweatshirts. Graphic Tees my life so when I saw this shirt I just had to add it to my collection. 

Attending a HBCU was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I’ve met amazing people I consider family, become the young woman I am today, & I wouldn’t trade the experience for anything. That’s why I had to get this shirt. HBCUs are important and tend to get over looked, but we are hear and making history! It’s HBCUs vs EVERYBODY! 

I didn’t attended an Ivy League school, but I know I’ve learned more about myself & the world all thanks to MY HBCU. You can’t get that kind of knowledge anywhere else. 

Once I saw it I had to make it mine. I went for the “I’m on my way to class” look. On campus you would see me in tshirts and skinnys all the time. It was my go to look. You can dress it up or keep casual, but y’all know that’s where I stay.

Please take the time to visit The Cultured Savage & purchase some of the best tshirts out right now!

Outfit Details:

Top: The Cultured Savage

Bottoms & Purse: Fashion To Figure

Shoes: Vintage 

Have an amazing hump day & rejoice because it’s almost the weekend again! 

Xoxo, Jonice 😘


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