New Arrivals: Camille and Jessica

🌟 Introducing our Latest Additions: Camille and Jessica! 🌟

Down in the studio where we give the curves what they need, we’ve been hard at work bringing you the coziest and most stylish pieces. It’s bout time we introduced you to our latest creations that customers have been absolutely loving. Say hello to Camille and Jessica!

Camille – Elevating Coziness to a Whole New Level

Camille is quickly becoming a fan favorite. This cardigan is not only incredibly snuggly (my personal favorite feature), but its vibrant colors breathe life into the fall season. And let’s not forget, it comes with pockets! It’s the go-to choice for those days when you need to layer your look. As one of our customers raved, “I also get to enjoy pockets on top of looking this good. WHAT? WHAT? This doesn’t make any sense…Pockets give you the choice. I can put so much in here. Girl, and it feels good on my body.” Needless to say, Camille is a hit. Check out how some of our customers have styled her for everyday wear:

Jessica – A Surprising Delight

Jessica may have been a well-kept secret for a while, but now she’s here to dazzle. I decided to take her for a spin at Boiler Room DC, and she didn’t disappoint. With adjustable straps on the long sleeves, you can customize the look to suit your style, whether you prefer them long or short.

The shorts highlight your legs and are versatile enough to pair with thigh-high boots for a sleek look, or opt for comfort and casual chic. No matter how you decide to style her, Jessica is sure to turn heads.

As the days grow shorter and the nights longer, we’re committed to adding more pieces to our boutique with your curves in mind. We’ll continue to keep you cozy and ready for any occasion.

Stay tuned for more exciting additions and style inspiration.

See you in the next one and hopefully in SOACG!

Xoxo, Jonice πŸ’‹

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